
Showing posts from November, 2020

District 6 Update - November 20, 2020

 Good afternoon District 6, As is customary, we had a special Common Council meeting on November 11 to officially adopt the 2021 budget. The only change from the budget presented and discussed on Budget Saturday was restoring the loan of $100,000 from the General Fund to Reid Golf Course for replacing the parking lot. As I noted after the public hearing, the source of the most comments was the library.   The 2021 budget includes $2.4 million for design. This will include the determination of whether to renovate the existing building or construct a totally new building. Construction funds are in the capital plans for 2022 and 2023. The regular Common Council meeting on Wednesday had a relatively light agenda. The mayor issued proclamations recognizing November as Native American Heritage Month and the week of November 28 to December 4 as Small Business Week. In the past we have observed the Saturday after Thanksgiving as Small Business Saturday, but this year, in recognition of the

District 6 Update, November 9, 2020

  It’s hard to believe that the last time I wrote an update, I was complaining about snow on the ground when it’s 70 degrees outside right now. Even though it feels like summer, the leaves are basically down – we here in Zone 2 have one more chance for the leaf pickup – get them out this weekend for pickup next week. After that, you’ll need to take them to the yard waste site. From everything I hear, the election was very smooth in Appleton. I heard from a couple of people who voted in person that everything at the Mt. Olive polling place ran without a hitch. It certainly helped that there was beautiful weather to make standing in the socially distanced line more comfortable. We have a tradition in Common Council where the alderperson whose district has the highest voter turnout percentage gets to keep a small U.S. flag on their desk as a trophy until the next election. The City Clerk hasn’t given us the official numbers yet, but I did my own quick calculation, and it looks like we did