
Showing posts from December, 2020

District 6 Update, December 21, 2020

  Good morning District 6, I assume that many of you are making final preparations for a holiday that might be different from any that you have celebrated before. I don’t know about others, but I am fairly certain that I offset the savings on plane tickets with added mailing expenses this year. I also failed to figure out how to adjust holiday baking to account for only two of us in the house this year. My husband claims that just the smell of sugar in the air is giving him pre-diabetic symptoms. By the way, I missed wishing a Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate in my last update – I hope it was joyous. We had the last Common Council meeting of 2020 last Wednesday. In the past, this has been followed by a holiday gathering; this year it was just smiles and waves on the Zoom screen. We voted to confirm reappointment to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. Note that these were reappointments of current members; this committee, along with several other committees, comm

District 6 Update, December 7, 2020

  Good afternoon District 6, I hope everyone is starting to enjoy the holiday season, different as it may be this year because of COVID-19. I decorated the outside and inside of my house a lot earlier than I usually do just to have some holiday cheer. I know that many families have decided, like mine has, to skip family gatherings this year. It will be difficult to miss seeing loved ones, but I have hope that with vaccines on the horizon and with our case counts leveling off a bit, that we can look forward to a “normal” holiday season next year. The opening of this note is a good intro into the COVID-19 update from last week’s Common Council meeting. As noted, our cases are leveling off a bit, and that change in moves us from the Critically High status back to Very High. The deaths in Appleton and Wisconsin are still trending upward, however. The Common Council meeting was quite short – there were no items separated out for individual consideration, so we voted on all the committ