
Showing posts from July, 2021

Appleton Common Council District 6 Update, July 25, 2021

  Art From Chalk on the Avenue Good afternoon District 6, I assume a lot of us are still basking in the glow of the Bucks’ championship and the Brewers being on a roll getting into the second half of the season. Maybe that will keep us from worrying about the Packers for a while as we enjoy this summer sunshine (and heat!). It’s nice to see summer activities back in full swing – I took a walk to check out Art at the Park earlier today and managed to escape without buying more than I could carry back with me. Walking through Erb Park just as the pool was opening, it seemed like lots of people were planning to enjoy the water this afternoon. A note on the pools – you may have seen the story in the Post-Crescent about the issue with lifeguard certification. As far as I can understand, it was an administrative issue that resulted in some course materials not being delivered. As noted, Mead Pool is closed until it can be fully staffed by certified lifeguards and Erb Park Pool is open

District 6 Update, July 12, 2021

Good morning District 6, The last update was written while I was in Arkansas with one daughter’s family welcoming a newborn granddaughter; this one is being written with the other daughter’s family, including our three-year-old granddaughter, visiting us. It’s been fun showing them the sights and experiencing our city from a young family’s perspective – the playground at Erb Park has been a big hit and I’m sure we’ll hit the one at Memorial before the visit is done. We’ve been to the Building for Kids (makes me want to borrow a child just so I can keep going back), the Thursday concert at Jones Park, the Farm Market, Butterfly Gardens of Wisconsin (shoutout to Jack and Marty Voight again – if you haven’t been up there, it’s really wonderful). We had brunch on the river yesterday and are took the riverboat cruise in the afternoon, and the young folks had a night on the town Friday while the toddler hung out with the grandparents. Yes – this does sound like a tourist brochure, but I re