
Showing posts from October, 2021

Appleton District 6 Update, October 25, 2021

  My weather app tells me that we have likely seen the last of the 70-degree days (although my social media reminds me that we had a dusting of snow on this day a year ago), so I’d say we have settled into autumn. We’re coming off a beautiful Saturday, a Packer win and the Bucks shaking off whatever that was in Miami to get back to their winning ways.   I’m getting to the home stretch in my review of the 2022 budget, headed into our “Budget Saturday” meeting this weekend, where we will review the entire budget in detail. You still have a chance to weigh in at the first listening session Wednesday   6:00 p.m. via Zoom. You can call   920-832-5814 to register.    I was glad to be able to attend the League of Wisconsin Municipalities Annual Conference in Green Bay last week. There were a number of interesting sessions on the issues that face all cities, towns and villages in Wisconsin, and an opportunity to talk to mayors, council members and city staff from across the state. So many of u