
Showing posts from April, 2024

Appleton Common District 6 Update for the Week of April 22, 2024

Greetings District 6 Neighbors, There are signs of spring all around, although the cold, windy Saturday let us know that winter is not quite ready to give up just yet. The fact that today is Earth Day (the brainchild of Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson) is a reminder that Appleton observes No Mow May by suspending issuance of citations for grass exceeding 8 inches for the month of May. This is a strictly voluntary practice and you do not have to sign up with the city as is required in some of our neighboring communities. If not mowing until the end of May isn’t working for you, consider raising your mower blade and letter the grass be a bit higher during the early spring to help out pollinators before the later blooming trees and shrubs increase the food supply. Spring yard waste collection is also continuing. You can check out the guidelines again here: I know a lot of us have a ton of branches and stick