District 6 Update for May 23, 2022

Photo by Jason Brozek

As discussed in the last update, the Finance Committee had a presentation from Baird about the General Obligation Notes and Sewerage System Revenue Bonds issued for capital projects. We had a special Finance Committee meeting immediately before the Common Council meeting to confirm the sale of those bonds. As expected, the demand for both issues was high and the bond rating was excellent. The GO Notes received an Aa1 Moody’s rating – the second highest possible. The interest rate was a bit higher than the original calculation, also expected during this period of volatility in rates. The notes came in at a 3.36% rate. The Sewerage System Revenue Bonds received an Aa2 Moody’s rating, slightly lower because they are tied to the utility revenue rather than the taxing authority of the city. The rate for those bonds was 4.08%. Normally, the bond issue would happen in the fall, but the Finance Department was able to go ahead with the issue to save on interest in the anticipation that rates will continue to increase.  

Jumping right into the regular council meeting, I can report that most of the agenda Wednesday was taken up with “Business Presented by the Mayor”. We approved reappointments to the Police and Fire Commission and to the Public Art Committee. The mayor also issued a number of proclamations: 

  • American Legion Poppy Day 
  • Appleton Noon Lions Club Day  
  • World Bee Day 
  • Lawrence University 175th Anniversary Day 
  • Police Week 
  • Public Works Week  

As part of Police Week, Chief Thomas presented the Investigator of the Year to Sgt. Matthew Kuether, who received his award at the meeting and the Patrol Officer of the Year to Officer Taylor Warmbier, who was unable to attend. Congratulations to these officers and to all of the other award winners! 


The mayor also presented his recommendation for the new Public Works Director. Danielle Block will join us from right down the road in Kimberly, where she currently serves as the Village Administrator. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a Master of Public Administration from UW-Madison and UW-Oshkosh respectively. She is certified as both a Public Manager and a Professional Engineer. Danielle will start her new role on July 5. Director Vandehey will be leaving on June 3 – the deputy directors will handle the management of the department until Director Block starts. 


Most of the remaining time was taken up with a presentation on the library project. We have a number of new alders since we had the last presentation. As with every construction project right now, we are facing supply chain issues and increasing costs. The team is performing extensive value engineering exercises and will be taking bids for individual components of the construction rather than a single bid for the overall project. In anticipation of delays and price increases, some key components are being bid and purchased early. Here is an estimated timeline: 


6/06/2022 – Anticipated Bid Date6/24/2022 – Anticipated Bids Due7/11/2022 – Finance Committee (request approval of construction contract)7/20/2022 – Common Council (request approval of construction contract)8/05/2022 – Construction Start*12/28/2023 – Anticipated Substantial Completion* 


You can find more information or subscribe to project updates on the project site within the library’s website:  




In a bit of additional library news, the temporary library at the former Best Buy at 2411 S. Kensington Dr. is open as of today! (Photos by Jason Brozek) 


There was only one item that was brought up for a separate discussion last week – the resolution asking for the Soldier’s Square revitalization project to be added to the capital improvements program. However, Alder Schultz referred the item back to the Municipal Services Committee. He has since written that he would prefer to table the resolution in order to allow time for stakeholders to work on a design and a funding mechanism. The resolution has been recommended for denial at the last committee meeting. I agree with the idea of tabling it and allowing it to come back before the council at a later time rather than being forced to take a vote (due to funding) that could be interpreted as a lack of interest in improving this monument to our veterans. 


In committee meetings this week: 


Municipal Services Committee – Monday, May 23, 4:30 p.m. 


There will be a presentation (informational) on the progress of the transportation utility study. This is the study to determine an equitable method of providing more funding for street construction and repair. The wheel tax replaced assessments but does not provide funding for general street construction. With costs increasing and the amount of debt we must incur correspondingly increasing, we need to explore other solutions for funding this infrastructure. Our neighbors in Grand Chute are looking at a referendum, for example. I will attend this meeting in hopes of getting some information on the status. 

Other items include changes to the sidewalk policy in new subdivisions, awarding of the pavement marking contract, and the aforementioned Soldiers Square resolution. 


Finance Committee – Monday, May 23, 5:30 p.m. 


The committee will be voting on recommendations to update the special assessment policy, awarding the contract for the budgeted redundant raw water line (this is the water line from Lake Winnebago that is the city’s water supply) to PTS Contractors, Inc in the amount of $4,875,000 with a 10.3% contingency of $500,000 for a project total not to exceed $5,375,000. This amount is actually quite a bit less than the original budget. We will also be voting on a change order for additional tree removal and backfill on the Apple Creek Ct./Plamann Park sewer and water construction project. ($64,293

Information items include the request to over hire a Payroll Coordinator and Purchasing Manager that will be action items in the HR and IT Committee meeting. 


Fox Cities Transit Commission – Tuesday, May 24, 3:00 p.m. 


Among the items to be voted on include a contract to for consulting to assess the needs and a master plan for the Transit Center. I know that many in the city will be interested to hear the proposals for the future of the Transit Center and how it fits with the new library and the College North neighborhood plan. 


Community and Economic Development Committee – Wednesday, May 25, 4:30 p.m. 


The only action item is to approve the revised 2022-2023 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocation. The city received $33,830 (4.5%) less the allocation from 2021. The proposal is to reduce the grant to the Appleton Housing Authority by that amount. AHA has been unable to spend any of the 2021 grant due to staffing turnover and the difficult housing market in the area, and they requested reallocation of $42,824.66 of the 2020 grant to Rebuilding Together Fox Valley for the same reasons.  

Safety and Licensing Committee – Wednesday, May 25, 5:30 p.m. 


The committee will be approving a number of license renewals. Directors’ reports will include the City Clerk discussing election mailings. 


Human Resource and Information Technology Committee – Wednesday, May 25, 6:30 p.m. 


We are being asked to approve over-hiring requests for three positions. This is done to allow knowledge transfer to a new hire while the incumbent is still with the city. 


  • City Assessor (Community and Economic Development) – retirement in mid-August after 18 years of service; hope to have new hire by mid-June. Cost -  around $7500 which can be absorbed in the current department budget.  
  • Payroll Coordinator (Finance) – retirement September 2 after 20 years of service; plan to have the successor by July 25. Cost – around $9000 which can be absorbed in the current department budget. 
  • Purchasing Manager (Finance) – retirement August 5 after 20 years of service; plan to have the successor by July 18. Cost – around $5000 which can be absorbed in the current department budget. 


Information items include updates on the compensation study, bargaining with the firefighter’s union and the recruitment status update. 

The meetings for the Utilities Committee and City Plan Commission are canceled this week.
There will be a combined meeting of the Finance and Utilities Committee on Wednesday, June 1 at 6:00 p.m. to consider the resolution submitted by Alder Doran that would take $6 million of ARPA funds allocated in the 2022 budget to replace 4- and 6-inch water mains (the standard now is 8-inches). Remember that these were the allocations approved in the budget after multiple listening sessions and opportunities for community input.
Director Vandehey has provided a detailed response to questions submitted by alders - I will be glad to provide it to you upon request. It will be included in the agenda for the meeting as well. Public input is welcome at the special meeting, and I would like to hear your thoughts on this resolution if you are unable to attend the meeting.


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