
Showing posts from July, 2022

District 6 Update for July 8, 2022

Good afternoon District 6,  First – please accept my apologies for the long break between newsletters. There has been a lot going on for my family and me the last few weeks. We had one daughter and her family visiting for a few days around Memorial Day, then we were able to travel to visit both daughters’ families in mid-June. And...I just got back Monday from a week in Arkansas where we welcomed our third granddaughter.   This time of the summer is normally a quiet time at City Hall. Several committee meetings have been canceled due to lack of urgent business, and we voted a few weeks ago to cancel the July 6 Common Council meeting to allow city staff (and alders) the opportunity for vacation time during the holiday week. We’ll be back to a full slate of committee meetings next week and the normal Common Council meeting on July 20.  Our last council meeting did not start quietly, as June 15 was the evening of the intense storms that caused damage around the city. However, we were able