District 6 Update for July 8, 2022

Good afternoon District 6, 

First – please accept my apologies for the long break between newsletters. There has been a lot going on for my family and me the last few weeks. We had one daughter and her family visiting for a few days around Memorial Day, then we were able to travel to visit both daughters’ families in mid-June. And...I just got back Monday from a week in Arkansas where we welcomed our third granddaughter.  

This time of the summer is normally a quiet time at City Hall. Several committee meetings have been canceled due to lack of urgent business, and we voted a few weeks ago to cancel the July 6 Common Council meeting to allow city staff (and alders) the opportunity for vacation time during the holiday week. We’ll be back to a full slate of committee meetings next week and the normal Common Council meeting on July 20. 

Our last council meeting did not start quietly, as June 15 was the evening of the intense storms that caused damage around the city. However, we were able to hold the meeting after being advised of the plans in case of emergency. During the meeting,  council approved the reappointment of Rebecca Kellner and Brian Looker to three-year terms on the Library Board and the appointment of AASD Assistant Superintendent to the board to take the place of incoming Superintendent Greg Hartjes. Wisconsin law requires that the local school superintendent or their designee hold a seat on the Library Board. 

My colleagues also approved my taking the place of Alder Alfheim on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. Alder Alfheim determined that she had a schedule conflict for two of the remaining quarterly meetings this year. I look forward to my first meeting next week, and to representing those of us who like to get around the city on foot or by bike.    

We also voted to promote a 16-year veteran of the City Assessor’s office to the position of City Assessor filling a retirement vacancy.  Congratulations to Matthew Tooke. 

Much of the meeting was taken up with a presentation from the League of Wisconsin Municipalities. The League has been working with Wisconsin cities since 1898 to allow cities large and small to share ideas, provide training (I attended the excellent Local Government 101 training after being elected to Common Council the first time) and to advocate on cities’ behalf with the Wisconsin Legislature, Governor, and state agencies. We heard in the presentation that every city in the state is facing the same issues as Appleton is with funding infrastructure, given the levy limits and the failure of state revenue sharing to increase while state tax receipts have tripled.  

As expected, the only items separated for individual consideration and votes were the comprehensive plan and zoning updates to change to zoning on two parcels totaling 15 acres owned by Apostolic Truth Church from single family and multi-family to public institutional to be used for a new church building. 


The pastor of the church spoke during public participation, as did a neighbor who was concerned about traffic in the area. My colleagues and I had also received a number of emails from citizens who had concerns. As a member of the City Plan Commission, I voted against the comprehensive plan and zoning changes because, given the shortage of affordable housing in our city, I think 15 acres of land in the fastest growing part of our city would be better used for housing (that also provides property tax revenue). However, I understand that the church has owned this land for many years, and that the city could face some legal issues if it were shown that the request was denied unfairly. I chose to abstain from the vote in the full council meeting. Five of my colleagues also abstained and the items passed with nine votes, as Alder Thao was excused from the meeting. Apparently, a local blogger believed that there was some organized plan to abstain and submitted a Freedom of Information Act request for all of our communications for May and most of June that contained a large number of key words, including “vote”. My vote was based solely on my research and understanding of the issue, and I did not discuss it with any colleague before making my decision. 

In a first since I have been on the council, ALL of my committee meetings were canceled for the week of June 20. (Finance, City Plan, Human Resources and Information Technology). In other committee meetings:  

Municipal Services Committee 

The committee voted to deny a request from Appleton Downtown, Inc. to place a dumpster in Jones Park. I assume that this is for the Thursday concerts in the summer. The reasoning for the denial is that city use does not warrant a dumpster and other groups having special events are responsible for their own waste disposal.  

As discussed before, since the study of the transportation utility began, another municipality who enacted a transportation utility is being sued. Based on discussions the city attorney had with that city, the committee voted to hold the item until the first scheduled meeting in January 2023. 

Board of Zoning Appeals 

Denied one variance request for a homeowner to build a garage in front of the house in violation of the zoning ordinance (homeowner cited a unique lot shape as the special circumstance. 

Fox Cities Transit Commission 

The commission reviewed the financial report, ridership report and approval of payments, in addition to hearing presentations about service updates, an update on proposed Route 10, and a relocation study for the Neenah Transit Center. 

Community and Economic Development Committee 

The committee reviewed a Presentation by Fox Cities Regional Partnership regarding projects, plans, initiatives, and direction

Safety and Licensing Committee 

The committee recommended the usual alcohol licenses for approval, held a disputed taxicab driver license pending background check, and approved the license renewal for Fox Valley Cab. 

All of the action items will be taken up by the full council along with next week’s committee items. 

CEA Review Committee – Monday, July 11, 4:00 p.m. 

This will be my first quarterly meeting since being voted to the committee by my colleagues on the Finance Committee.  

  • Request to use replacement reserve funds ($22,169) from van 1002 to upfit van 1001 (command post vehicle) to become the crime scene processing vehicle. 
  • Request for joint purchase and ownership of a new Mobile Command Center with Outagamie County (Appleton share $249,666 – budgeted but not sufficient for acquisition by the city alone) 
  • Request to downgrade 8 unmarked police cars and upgrade 3 intensive use squad cars. Proposed savings - $27,399. 
  • Request to add the replacement for mower 5530 into the CEA fleet. This mower was hit by a vehicle jumping the curb – be careful out there! 

Municipal Services Committee – Monday, July 11, 4:30 p.m. 

  • Award of contract for 2022 Parking Ramp Planning and Design Services to Desman Design Management in the amount of $36,560.00 with a 9.4% contingency of $3,440.00 for a project total not to exceed $40,000.00. 
  • Approve Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Appleton and Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce for Amenity Peninsula Beautification at the Green Parking Ramp. 
  • In the information items is a status update on  Resolution #7-R-22-Modifications to Street Terrace Policy submitted by Alder Del Toro. 

Finance Committee – Monday, July 11, 5:30 p.m. 

  • Leah Lasecki, CPA with CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP,  will present 2021 audit and executive summary. The audit was “clean” with no deficiencies in internal control over financial or reporting issues and no compliance issues found. 
  • Request to award contract to Commercial Appliance for Reid Golf Course Clubhouse walk-in freezer and cooler replacement in the amount of $31,733.35. 
  • Request to award the budgeted AWWTP V-3 Sludge Storage Building Addition Construction Project Base Bid to Miron Construction in the amount of $5,330,989 with a 15% contingency of $799,648 for a project total not to exceed $6,130,637. 
  • Request to approve the Relocation Order for construction of officially mapped Lightning Drive, future Providence Avenue, future Baldeagle Drive and the associated stormwater pond. 
  • Budget amendments to move $190,000 in excess funds from the Matthias water tower project to the corrosion control project and to move $2,900,000 from the second raw water line project to watermain replacement. The raw water line project bid was actually under budget! 
  • Information items include a review of budget vs actual fuel costs. Not surprisingly, the actual fuel costs are ahead of budget, but there are contingency funds available and staff is monitoring closely. The city purchases fuel at wholesales rates and gets quotes every couple of weeks. 

Utilities Committee – Tuesday, July 12, 5:00 p.m. 

  • Award Unit N-22 Spot Repairs, Protruding Tap & Mineral Deposit Removal to Northern Pipe, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $120,000. 
  • Award Lawe Street Force Main Replacement Design Services contract to McMahon Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $100,000. 
  • Information items include a review of the Wisconsin DNR Stormwater Permit appendices and the water main break report for May. The breaks were below May of 2021, but we are still 14 over 2021 YTD. 

City Plan Commission – Wednesday, July 13, 3:30 p.m. 

  • Request for a special use permit to expand an automotive sales and display lot at 1608 East Wisconsin Avenue. Avis Car Sales and Rentals and Budget Car and Truck Rentals has been operating at this location for 45 years. The owner purchased additional parcels in 2013 (where a tavern was demolished in 2013) and wants to expand onto these parcels. 

Safety and Licensing Committee – Wednesday, July 13, 5:30 p.m. 

In addition to the normal license renewals, the committee will be receiving the mid-year reports from the Fire and Police Departments, and receiving updates on two grant applications. 

Human Resources and Information Technology Committee – Wednesday, July 13, 6:30 p.m. 

We have no action items, but will be getting updates on a police officer hiring bonus program and a Community Service Officer bonus program in addition to the weekly Recruitment Status Report. 

Parks and Recreation, Community and Economic Development and the Board of Health will not meet next week. 

As always, you can read meeting agendas and minutes and watch committee and council meeting videos here:  



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